Welcome Dr. Schoolcraft!

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At Reproductive Partners, we have a history of providing cutting-edge care to our patients.  Our physicians are also top-notch researchers in Reproductive Medicine.

We are delighted to add another great mind to our team of experts. Dr. William Schoolcraft, one of the world’s most renowned fertility researchers, was recently named co-scientific director at Reproductive Partners-San Diego. He will be collaborating with Reproductive Partners founder Dr. David Meldrum.

Bill-Schoolcraft_BlogFor decades, Dr. Schoolcraft has been the medical director of the Colorado Center for Reproductive Medicine (CCRM).  Just like Reproductive Partners, San Diego, it is one of the best and most respected IVF centers in the nation. Both centers originated from Dr. Meldrum’s initial IVF program at UCLA and subsequently in Redondo beach. Dr. Schoolcraft was trained by Dr. Meldrum and he and Dr. Schoolcraft have interacted over the years on advances in IVF treatments. Dr. Schoolcraft co-directs the University of California comprehensive course on IVF, which will be in its 29th year next July 17-20th and which Dr. Meldrum has now moved from Santa Barbara to Coronado Island. Adding Dr. Schoolcraft to our team at Reproductive Partners-San Diego strengthens that working relationship. “Collaborating with one of the world’s top labs will be exciting for our team,” says Dr. Gabriel Garzo. “We’ll be sharing ideas, research and expertise. That kind of collaboration will optimize protocols and maximize success rates. That’s great news for patients in both programs.” In Colorado, Dr. Schoolcraft pioneered significant scientific breakthroughs in IVF including: in vitro culture of embryos to the blastocyst stage; biomarkers of oocyte and embryo quality; novel protocols for the treatment of poor responders; and blastocyst comprehensive chromosome screening. Dr. Schoolcraft was recently awarded a full professorship at UC San Diego, where he will share his knowledge and expertise with young physicians specializing in Reproductive Medicine.