Reproductive Partners’ Fertility Experts Discuss IVF Advancements at International Conference in Coronado

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On July 16-19, Reproductive Partners–San Diego co-hosted the world’s leading annual international fertility conference, the 30th Annual In Vitro Fertilization and Embry Transfer Conference, in San Diego, CA.

Over 400 top professionals in the field of infertility from across the globe converged at the Hotel Del Coronado to discuss current advancements and challenges during all phases of in vitro fertilization and embryo management.

The 4-day program was filled with panel discussions and breakout groups designed for practicing reproductive endocrinologists, scientists, fellows, and embryologists to share research findings and clinical best practices that affect this rapidly-evolving science.

Fertility experts from the staff of Reproductive Partners–San Diego were presenting throughout the conference, demonstrating results and conclusions from their ongoing research into the treatment of infertility.

Reproductive epidemiologist and endocrinologist Dr. Irene Su shared her findings in the area of oncofertility during her presentation, “Fertility Preservation for the Woman with Cancer.”

Dr. Antoni J. Duleba  delivered several presentations including the first about ovarian stimulation titled, “Clomiphene Citrate/Gonadotropins.” Later, he shared findings regarding the success of deferred embryo transfers during his talk, “Deferred Transfer Results in Increased Implantation and Reduced Perinatal Complications.” Dr. Duleba also served on a Q&A panel with fellow leading experts titled, “The Future of Controlled Ovarian Hyperstimulation (COH).”

Reproductive Partners–San Diego Medical Director Dr. V. Gabriel Garzo discussed success rates from single embryo transfer and the importance of them for having one healthy baby at a time during his presentation, “Single Embryo Transfer – The Ultimate Goal to Optimize IVF Outcomes.”

Reproductive Partners-San Diego Co-Scientific Director, Dr. William Schoolcraft delivered presentations including “Transfer Technique – The Precision of Ultrasound-Guided Transfer is Crucial for SET and Strategies for the Poor Responder.”

Finally, RP’s Scientific Director, Dr. David Meldrum, participated in a variety of presentations and panel discussions, including, “Adjuncts to Stimulation – Agonists, OC, Estrogen, LH, Low Dose Aspirin, Growth Hormone, Testosterone, Letrozole, DHEA, Dexamethasone”, a focus session titled, “Alternatives to Full Stimulation and Fresh Transfer” and two half-hour presentations titled “Transvaginal Follicle Aspiration – Making Difficult Retrievals Easier and Minimizing Risks” and  “Impact of Stress, Counseling, Acupuncture, Smoking, Alcohol, Caffeine, Exercise, Nutrition, Sexual Function, Supplements – Critical Factors for Successful Outcome.” Dr. Meldrum also moderated the closing panel that addressed questions from all sessions.

A complete list of presentations and panel discussions can be found on the conference agenda.

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