How Age Affects Fertility

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Did you know that age is the most important factor in a person’s fertility and option to conceive? For Day #2 of National Infertility Awareness Week, RPSD is breaking down how age directly affects your fertility.

Understanding Female Fertility

For women, fertility peaks in their 20s and begins to decline gradually thereafter, with a more significant decrease occurring after the age of 35. This decline is primarily due to a decrease in the quantity and quality of eggs, as well as an increased risk of chromosomal abnormalities and pregnancy complications. Women younger than 30 have about a 20% chance of getting pregnant naturally each month. By age 40, the chance of pregnancy is about five percent each month. Learn more about female fertility.

Egg Quality and Infertility

A woman is born with all the eggs she will ever have. As she ages her eggs age with her and their number and quality reduces over time. This is why her chance of having a baby also reduces over time, especially for women older than 35 years of age.

Factors Affecting Male Fertility

While men produce sperm throughout their lives, age can still impact male fertility. As men age, there is a gradual decline in sperm quality and an increased risk of genetic mutations in sperm. These factors can contribute to difficulties conceiving and an increased risk of certain health conditions in offspring. A decrease in a man’s fertility appears to occur later in life than in a woman’s fertility. In their mid-to-late 40s,  men experience changes in their sperm that can cause issues with fertility and chromosomal/ developmental problems with offspring. Learn more about male fertility.

Is it Possible to Slow Down Reproductive Aging?

No. However, eating well, exercising regularly, getting enough sleep, avoiding smoking, and adopting a lifestyle that reduces stress can improve your overall health.  Studies suggest that smoking, diet, and stress may have an impact on the quality of eggs/sperm and may accelerate menopause.

The Importance of Timely Intervention

Understanding the impact of age on fertility underscores the importance of timely intervention for couples facing infertility issues. At Reproductive Partners, we offer a range of fertility treatments tailored to individual needs, including in vitro fertilization (IVF), intrauterine insemination (IUI), and donor egg/sperm options.

Age and fertility are deeply interconnected factors that can influence a couple’s journey to parenthood. By understanding the implications of age on fertility and seeking timely intervention when needed, couples can take proactive steps towards achieving their dream of having a family. At Reproductive Partners Fertility Clinic in San Diego, we are dedicated to supporting you every step of the way on your path to parenthood.

Learn more or schedule your appointment with RPSD’s board-certified Reproductive Endocrinologists.